
Saturday 5 September 2015


I enjoy being assertive

Every day, in every way, I'm getting stronger and stronger

My friends respect me for saying no.

IN saying no, I am connecting with the deeper part of who I am.

Speaking my truth, I feel more and more empowered.

Life is so much more enjoyable now that I am speaking up for myself

in respecting who I truly am, I am respecting others

Saying no, gives me freedom to be me.

In being assertive, I am giving others permission to do the same.

long explanations are no longer needed, I simply say no.

In speaking my mind, I'm speaking my truth

Connecting with the divine, helps me to be all that I am

I no longer need to prove myself to any other.

When I say no, I mean no.

I only say yes, when I feel I want to say yes.

Being assertive activates the power within to have a beautiful life
Today, I can say no.

I now speak my mind with ease.

Life is easy now that I say what I feel

I am happy being the real me.

Others respect me for who I truly am.

What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most treasured memory?
...with whom I could share … Yeah! today is my most treasure memory.“

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .