
Friday 18 September 2015

Do You Have Millionaire Mindset?

You are a millionaire 
Your mind is highly focused on making large sums of money
You believe in yourself completely
You are highly motivated and productive
You always work hard
You have an intense drive to be rich and successful
You are dedicated to becoming a millionaire
You are certain that you will make large amounts of money
You work hard and push through negativity and criticism
You have the mindset of a millionaire
You are entrepreneurial and see opportunities to make money everywhere 
You have complete confidence in your ability to make money
You are dedicated to becoming a millionaire
You are naturally motivated and work persisently towards your goals
You always work hard and productively
You always thrive in challenging situations and overcome adversity

How Can You Be Successful?

  1. I am not control by my income.
  2. I am leader/Boss.
  3. I don't seek praise.
  4. I suffer less drama
  5. I have a plan.
  6. I crave for more 
  7. I am an early bird.
  8. I am socially active.
  9. I offer mutual respect.
  10. I wish to help others.
  11. i am purpose driven.
  12. I possess confidence without arrogance.
  13. i have fought back
  14. i strive to improve
  15. i have discipline
  16. i preach patience
  17. i can say No.
  18. i manage my time well.
  19. I have successful friends.
  20. i don't blame others
  21. I don't waste my time
  22. I am assertive/ i give reasons fast.
  23. I stay positive.
  24. I take care of my health.
  25. i don't seek a relationship to solve my personal issues.
  26. i am matured.
  27. I have lived and learned.
  28. knowledge is at my fingertips
  29. i have the power to choose.
  30. i have experience butterflies love.
  31. i have a dream
  32. my happiness is real.
  33. i have cloths to wear.
  34. I have the ability to forgive.
  35. I have the opportunity to build global friendship.
  36. i have the power to make wealth.

What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most treasured memory?
...with whom I could share … Yeah! today is my most treasure memory.“

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .