
Monday 31 August 2015


You know getting started is not always easy but if you are willing to take the risk and make a beginning God has promise to help and remain with you all along the way.

  • No one is an expert in something he or she hasn't done before in other to be yourself you don't have to wait till you know how to do something perfectly some time taking the risk to do some thing you know you enjoy but can not do very well is best way to discover the skill and talent God has given you to begin.
  • just do your best at whatever you decide to do.

  • It is easy to talk about doing things of fulfilling goals for yourself but simply talking does not accomplish anything, believe in yourself and the lord and then act on the basics of your believe.

  •  1. I align myself today with pure, fun positive energy
    2. I release all resistance of the past and move into the present moment
    3.Today I focus on what makes me feel good
    4. I practice the path of least resistance
    5. I maintain alignment with my source energy
    6. Law of attraction gives me all I need and desire - and so it is.
    7. I'm a vibrational match to all I desire
    8. I now breathe and move into my natural well-being
    9. Today I align myself with freedom, growth, and joy
    10. I go with the flow and feel my connection to the stream of life
    11. Life is good for me just the way I intended
    12. With clarity of mind I feel abundance and worthiness coming through
    13. Inspired by my source within, I act accordingly with love
    14. I let go of all fear and replace this with love
    15. The entire universe is assisting me to feel good
    16. My experience on earth is crammed with heaven
    17. Today I rejoice in who I am!

Saturday 29 August 2015

[ESL Tutorials] -Do you know Some To Do List Secrets?

“We become what we think about.” — Earl Nightingale, the real you is your spirit which the science refer to as your sub-consciousness, which control your life vibrations, the more you read and tell your sub-consciousness the affirmations listed alphabetically here severally, the more your spirit absorb the massage and align it to your successful life. I wonder if you realize all of the benefits you'll get when you will visit this blog daily.

Monday 24 August 2015

Want to change the way you were raised?

1- I am a masterpiece
2- i am a history maker
3- i am talented
4- i am one of a kind
5- i am smart
6- i am jovial
7- i am courageous
8- i am bold
9- i am loving
10- i m trust worthy
11- i am valued
12- i am loved
13- i am determine
14- i am wise
15- i am creative
16- i am inventive
17- i am cheerful
18- i am humble
19- i am conscious
20- i have a pleasing voice
21- i have a pleasing act
22- i am observant
23- i have courtesy
24- i have self control
25- i am patient
26- i have dramatic gesture
27- i am punctual
28- i have fast recalling ability
29- i am caring
30- i am careful
31- i am persistence
32- i am passionate
33- i have positive tongue
34- i have a retentive memory
35- i am intelligent
36- i am beautiful
37- i have a sense of humour

Want to gained any one quality or ability?

I am beautiful in all ways
I respect who I am
I am confident in all aspects of myself
My beauty is natural
I am confident with who I am
I release negativity
I fill my mind with positive thoughts
I attract so much beauty into my life
I am healthy and happy
I love me just the way I am
I am comfortable in my own skin
I am free of negativity
I like the person I am becoming
I love all aspects of my body
I see the true beauty that I am
I see the beauty within and without
I think positive thoughts about myself and others
I validate myself daily
I have an attractive mind, body and spirit
I like the person I am becoming
I like the person I see in the mirror
Feeling good about myself is my natural birthright
I believe in who I am 100%
Others can see my beauty shine forth
I am worthy of seeing myself as beautiful
I am powerful to overcome all negative aspects that present themselves in my life
I confront what I need to do, with love in my heart
I deal with what life throws at me
I have the inner strength to face life head-on
Each day my heart is filled with love, grace and beauty
I am confident of the person I'm becoming
I have all the willpower I need
Each day I focus on my inner strength
I can protect myself against any hurt that comes my way
Life presents to me joyous circumstances
My inner strength grows stronger each day
I love me and I am worthy to have goodness in my life
I am naturally strong
My inner treasures shine forth

Saturday 22 August 2015

‪‎HOW ARE YOU UNIQUE? if you ever want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature

You perhaps know the things about yourself that makes you different from other, things like: your voice; your favorite food & music; and the way you dress or talk even the things you think about and the decision you make can make you stand out of the crowd. when you stop to think about it as a child of God you have the opportunity each day to share what is special about you and be the best you can.
1- you are a person with a special place and purpose in the society even when you feel like you have gotten lost in the crowd and you don't count for anything, you still have a lot to offer to the people around you. society depend on everyone playing a part.
2- As an important member of the society what you do touch the life of other people around you.
3- Take the time to learn what your talents are; then use them to make the world a better place for everyone.
4- Although you may think you have very little to offer to the society whatever you do has the potential of helping others.
5- Been a member of a group means There will be a time when you will stand for what you believe and let your view be challenge and tested
6- When you must speak up for your self be sure you know what you believed in and what it take to agree or disagree with those who challenge you.

Friday 21 August 2015


 there maybe time when making a decision will be hard; trust in the Lord who will give you the courage and wisdom during the time of difficult decision making so that you can be your best and be your self. 
1- You were created with freedom and ability to make important decisions about your life and how you relate to others.(free moral agent.
2- However small they may seen, your decision has an impact on the quality of your life and relationship with others.
3- As a responsible person, you will have to make some difficult decision; this may require you to change some of the things you do and to live your life in a whole new way.
4- Having the freedom to make decision as a free moral agent; means you are also free to make a wrong choices, when this happen the best thing to do is to seek forgiveness. lean from the mistake and to start over again doing what you know right.
5- When you realize that you have made a mistake, its not the end infact, it could be the beginning of entire new stage of your life.
6- you are capable of making a different in the way things are by making decision responsibly and carefully base on the fact you have gathered; if you pursue your goal with determination many new possibility will unfold.

Thursday 20 August 2015


 Your age doesn't define your maturity, your grades don't define your intellect,your beauty 

doesn't define your character and rumors don't define who you are! when you interact with 

other people in your daily life, you will properly have a good idea of who you are and you 

perhaps have a sense of who you are in relation to all the things you do but what's really 

exciting is when you stop and recall that:

1- You are a child of God created in the image of God

2- you were created to share in the benefit of wisdom so value your mind and put it to good use because its door to your spirit.

3- you were created with great worth and given important responsibility

4- you are highly valued by God who created you.

5- you are someone with special talent to share with others

Tuesday 18 August 2015


 Whatever your hope or dreams are, it is important to set goal for your self and commit to following them up everyday; ask to know Gods will for you and you will discover the hope and strength you need to keep on trying. as you follow your dream, put your trust in God who will guide and direct you; so that you can be your best and be yourself.
1- you were created with a lot of potential, achieving this potentials require you to set goal for yourself and begin taking steps towards fulfilling them
2- Fulfilling goals require you to have the same determination and discipline that athlete need to compete successfully in their race and event.
3- You must block anything that discourage and distract you and run the race with your eyes on the goal.
4- You must be willing to face all the challenge that comes your way and make a special effort not to be discourage; determinations has it rewards.
5- Set your goal high so that you can really be the best you can.
6- Some of your goals may seems completely beyond what you can do today but if you continue to work hard to achieve them and if you keep in your mind the visions of all that God has to offer to His people; you are sure to share in the promise.

What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most treasured memory?
...with whom I could share … Yeah! today is my most treasure memory.“

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .