
Saturday 3 October 2015


I am connected to the divine energy of the universe that fills me with security

 I believe I can do everything I put my mind to

 Every day that goes by, I believe in myself more and more

 I feel a deep sense of confidence and peace

 I respect my talents and abilities, nourish them, and express them freely

 I discover new sides in me that intensify my sense of confidence

 I allow myself to feel powerful

 I am strong and have immense inner resources

 I feel valuable and worthy every day that goes by

My comfort level in social situations is high and it shows

 I deserve to feel good about myself; I am a deserving human being

 I am a worthy person and others respect me

 I trust myself to do anything I choose to

 I love and accept myself in every situation at all times.

 every breath, I inhale confidence and exhale fear

Feeling comfortable and serene around people comes naturally to me

I stay positive and feel amazing most of the time

 The positive vibration of the universe is flowing in me

 I feel grounded, stable and strong

My being in the world is valuable

I am a deserving human being

 My presence in this world is magnificent

 I trust myself, my abilities and my potential

I am capable of doing anything I desire

 Confidence and high self-esteem is my natural state.

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What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most treasured memory?
...with whom I could share … Yeah! today is my most treasure memory.“

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .