
Saturday 3 October 2015


With my positive mindset, I attract the exact practical tools I need

 Positive thinking enables me to make the most of my life

 I find it easy to deal with any of life’s circumstances

 It is safe for me to carry positive thoughts

 My mind and soul contain affirmative powerful beliefs

 My positive subconscious mindset attracts more abundance every day

  I love living life and enjoy every second on this earth

 My positive spirit inspires others to become better

  Positive thoughts make me feel happier, more vibrant and more energetic

 Positive energy surrounds my body, mind and halo

  I feel thankful and full of gratitude for what I have in life

  It feels amazing to attract all that I need and want.

 I'm an assertive person when it is needed

 I express my thoughts and opinions freely while respecting others

  I'm committed to my personal needs and express them when necessary

I use assertiveness in every field in life

 Voicing my opinions comes easily to me

  Balancing between sharing my thoughts and remaining silent is natural for me

 Standing up for myself when needed feels natural and simple

I have a right to be in this world and to express myself

 I have a right to claim my space and to speak loudly when the situation arises

  I let go of the need to please others

 I help others at my own convenience when I can and want to

  I release the need to get approval from others

 | I have a say and express it when it feels right

 I balance between being myself and acting by society’s rules

 I feel free to express myself

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What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most treasured memory?
...with whom I could share … Yeah! today is my most treasure memory.“

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .