
Saturday 3 October 2015


I express my self easily
I know my core values and stick to them
It’s OK to speak fast when expressing myself
I appreciate myself and know what my standards are
You manage to influence others with passion and confidence
You feel comfortable with your values and share them freely when necessary
You feel comfortable and peaceful around others
I have a powerful inner peace within me
It’s easy for me to convey my messages clearly and sharply
I stimulate positive emotions within others
People reach to me to get my honest advice
You influence others emotionally and make them feel bonded with you
I have excellent verbal skills that make others listen to me
I magnetize people with my charming charismaI connect easily with others
Making new friends is a fun experience
I am allowing myself to open up to people
I am making people feel comfortable around me
I am a good listener and people feel comfortable to share their feelings with me
My social skills are improving each and every day
It is easy for me to hold a conversation effortlessly
I am letting go of the need to impress others
It is easy for me to be myself when socializing with others
It is safe for me to feel comfortable around other people
Interactions with others are intriguing me
I am enjoy interacting with friends and new people

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What is your most treasured memory?

What is your most treasured memory?
...with whom I could share … Yeah! today is my most treasure memory.“

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .

I can't believe my mistakes give me so many benefits! .